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Tags: how to treat knee pain at homeknee pain therapyphysical therapy knee painrelieve knee painknee pain exercises at homehome exercises for knee painknee painknee pain reliefknee pain relief exerciseshow to relieve knee painbest exercises for knee painexercises for knee painknee pain exercises
Description: 8 Best Knee Pain Exercises || Knee Pain Relief Exercises || How to Relieve Knee Pain Through Stretches and Exercises Pain in the knees affects a large population of the world. While suffering from knee pain, you will feel pain behind and around the kneecaps. The pain increases 2-fold while doing activities like stair climbing and squatting. Walking, running, etc. If you do not do anything about it, the pain can linger for years. In today’s video, we are going to share few best exercises that would help relieve knee pain: Quad stretch: The quad stretch can be performed in various positions, but the basic form is to kneel on one knee and put the other foot on the ground so that it is to the side of the kneeling leg. Method: • Stand over a step, stair, or box with one foot and the other on the ground. • Bend your frontal leg so that your knee is bent to 90 degrees and place your hands on your hips. • Shift your entire weight onto your back leg as you lean forward. • Hold this position for 10 seconds before switching legs. • Do 10 repetitions of this exercise 3 times per day to relieve knee pain in both knees. Hip Abduction: Hip abduction is a type of exercise that targets the muscles outside the hips. The main muscle that will be worked is the iliacus muscle. Hip abduction is recommended by physiotherapists for all patients suffering from knee pain. Method: • Lie down on your side with your bottom leg bent and your top leg behind you. • Lift your top knee up towards your chest to get a good stretch in your hip, then lower it back down to the beginning position. Repeat for 10 repetitions. • Switch positions and repeat for an additional 10 repetitions on this side. Clamshells: The clamshell is an excellent exercise that helps strengthen inner and outer thighs and hips. It also helps in toning glutes and stabilizing your pelvic muscles. Methods: • Lie down at your side with knees somewhat bent. • Keep one leg on top of the other. • Hold both feet together while lifting your top knee until it’s adjacent to your hip. • Drop your knee back to the original position, repeat, and switch sides. Calf raises: As calf muscles directly adhere to the knees, this exercise help elevates knee pain and increases mobility. Method: • Stand straight with feet and shoulder-width apart. Align your body next to a wall or hold back the chair for optimal support. • Lift up both heels from the ground. Make sure that you are standing on the balls of your feet. • Now, gradually lower your heels and come back to the beginning position. To strengthen calf muscle, control is extremely important. • Practice at least 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps. Bridging: This exercise helps in increasing the muscular strength of the hips extensor and promotes better movement of the knees. Method: • Lay down on your back and curve your knees with your feet flattened. • Keep a towel roll or pillow under your head. • Hold your knees, hips, and feet aligned with each other. • Lay your arms on the side. • Contract the butt muscles and lift them up toward the roof. • Raise your buttocks as high as possible without triggering back pain or pressure. • Stop for a few secs, then gently lower your buttocks to the initial position. • Practice 10 reps with 3 sets every day. Leg extension: This exercise strengthens your quadriceps while using your own body weight. It takes off extra pressure from knee muscles and allows better movement. Method: • Sit straight on a chair or stool. • Keep both feet flat on the ground. Ensure both feet are hip-width apart. • Keep your face straight while contracting your thigh muscles and extending one leg as high as possible. Make sure that your buttocks are not raised off the chair. • Pause in the position for a few seconds and start lowering to the initial position. • Practice 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg. Straight leg raises: The exercise strengthens the quadriceps and hip flexor muscles making it perfect for reducing knee pain. It also tightens the shins with regular practice. Orthopedics recommend this exercise daily to the patients suffering from knee aches: Method: • You can use a yoga mat to enhance cushioning under the back for this exercise. • Lay down on the ground with one leg turned and one straightened out in front. • Squeeze the quadriceps of the straightening leg and gradually elevate it off the floor until it’s a similar height as your curved knee. • Stop the leg at the top for 4 seconds, then start lowering it back to the starting position • Perform 2 to 3 sets of 5 repetitions for both legs. #kneepainexercises #kneepainrelief #exercisesforkneepain